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Course Questions


This section focuses on questions that are related to the course (MBBS or MBChB). In general, it is best to answer positively if asked about your opinions on a certain aspect of the course. You should also be aware of the difference between the universities and answer accordingly. Note that most professors are quite proud of their university and the course provided so it's in your best interest to speak highly of them.

Do you research

Avoid giving too strong responses

Know the difference between HKU & CUHK

So as you know we had quite a few research breakthroughs in recent years, which one are you most excited about?

This question requires no skill and 100% knowledge. If you have not done you research beforehand, there is not much you can talk about. Try and look-up researches in the recent 10 years from both universities and find one that you find interesting. Be prepared to give a brief description of the research and explain why the you are excited about this particularly research.

Do you know the teaching methods of our medical school? What do you think are the advantages of it?

The teaching methods of the two medical school are different, make sure you do not mess up one with another! You can look into the details of the two medical school's teaching methodology in the curriculum part of HKU vs CUHK [here]. Find one or two that made an impression on your and read more about them online. Make sure you link back these teaching methods to yourself, how these specific methods can help you navigate the complex topics of medical school.

What criteria do you look for in a medical school?

This is a pretty broad question, you can really answer anything that you will look for in a medical school. Do ensure that the medical school you are interviewing for does indeed meets this criteria. There is no need to be too specific about the criteria you look for, a broader criteria will likely be applicable to both schools and you are also less likely to make a mistake. Criteria can include having support from staff, opportunities provide and study environment. You should further elaborate why this criteria is important to you specifically.

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What specific skills do you hope to learn in medical school?

For this question, you can answer specific academic skills or broader social skills. For academic skills, make sure these skills are indeed taught within the 6 years of medical school rather than during residency. For example, many skills used by specialist are not taught in medical school and are taught during residency. You can also answer social skills such as communication or teamwork. It is imperative that you explain how the university courses will help you gain these skill. Give specific examples of course that you will be able to enhance these skills in. As an added bonus, you can also explain why you value these skills and how they can help you become a better physician in the future.

Why do you choose X over Y? / What do you find most attractive in X?

This question is asking you why do you choose MBBS over MBChB or vice versa. In your response, you should not be too harsh towards the other university even if you truly think the university you are interviewing for is much more superior. Choose one or two traits that are unique to the university you are interviewing for. Details of their difference can be founded [here]. You should then explain why these traits are important to you and how they will help you in your study.

As you know studying medicine can be stressful, how do you normally deal with stress?

The biggest mistake you can make is denying the existence of stress or saying it will not affect you at all. That is simply not true, the stress you will face in medical school is unlike that you have ever faced before. Not acknowledging the problem will make you appear arrogant and naive. You should first acknowledge this problem, and then provides solutions. Possible solutions include having hobbies that you know will help you relief stress, finding support from your peers and reaching out for help from the faculty when needed.

What do you plan to do for EY?

There are many options for you choose from in EY. Most students will choose to go overseas for a one year exchange in UK or US. You should do your research beforehand to ensure what you want to do is cleared for EY and if you have a specific university in mind double check that it is supported for EY. If you prefer not to study, you can also choose internships or research, both local or overseas. However, make sure you are able to explain your rationale behind choosing such an activity for your EY.



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